Quinoa layer cake!


Quinoa layer cake!

May sound complicated but really it’s not! And looks awesome!

Prepare quinoa with tomato broth, sauté super short whatever veggies you like in it (I used green bell pepper+red onion+ chopped tomato +green squash)+ sauté spinach and kale for the layers.

Mix the prepared quinoa with your sautéed veggies of choice. Put some wax paper in an oven dish. Start with layer of kale, the quinoa, then layer of spinach, followed by quinoa and so on. Briefly put the whole thing in the oven for 5 min at 350 F. Cut into pretty pieces and TATA!

taartje copy

I can’t believe it is not a hamburger…


I can't believe it is not a hamburger...

So it might be considered “vegan junk food”, but what the heck: they taste awesome. Bean burgers: sooo good, my friend asked me (after finishing the whole thing) what kind of meat this was, because it was so tasty…. Need i say more?

Black bean burger + home made guacamole (avocado+ red onion+ cilantro+ garlic+ lemon juice) + sautéed Brussels sprouts & mushrooms

you sweet, sweet potato

Sweet potato: super healthy and delish! Just oven roasted with some garlic & olive oil: easy, peasy! With bean burger with some veggie cheese, home made guacamole, sautéed Brussels sprouts and snow peas.
